An Integrated Product Team (IPT) is a team comprised of representatives from functional disciplines who work collaboratively to create successful programs, identify issues, resolve issues, and make recommendations to facilitate decision making. IPTs streamline the acquisition process by making decisions and recommendations based off timely input from the entire team. IPTs replaced the lengthy sequential review and approval process. An IPT includes representatives (stakeholders) from all functional areas involved with the product. These individuals plan and implement lifecycle decisions for the system which is to be acquired. IPTs play an important role within the defense acquisition oversight and review process. The There are three types of IPTs within the Department of Defense: Overarching IPTs; Working-level IPTs; and Program-level IPTs.[1]


Overarching IPTs assist the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) in making investment decisions for the department and they are responsible for making sure that programs are structured appropriately and have all necessary resources. OIPTs are not decision-makers. The authority of the Program Manager, Program Executive Officer (PEO), Component Acquisition Executive (CAE), and Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE) all take precedence over any authority exercised by the OIPT. [2]


The Program Manager (or the person designated by the Program Manager to act in his or her place) collaborates with OSD staff specialists from the offices of the OIPT Leader and other key stakeholders to form Working-level IPTs, as needed. A WIPT often focuses on a specific topic such as cost, performance, program baseline, acquisition strategy, test and evaluation, or contracting. WIPTs typically meet on an as needed/as required basis to assist the Program Manager with program planning, program documentation, and the resolution of issues. The Program Manager or representative of the Program Manager is usually responsible for leading each WIPT. The OSD Action Officer may co-chair IPT meetings, if invited to do so by the Program Manager. [3]

Updated by Kristin Stiner, May 2024