The acronym “PEO” can stand for either Program Executive Office or Program Executive Officer. A PEO plays a key role in the US military acquisition process and the organization or officer may be responsible for a specific program or platform (such as PEO JSF, which focuses on the Joint Strike Fighter), or for an entire portfolio of similar programs (such as PEO Ships or PEO Soldier). Some examples of PEOs are listed below, organized by Service.


  • PEO Fighter Bomber
  • PEO Business & Enterprise Systems
  • PEO Weapons
  • PEO Mobility
  • PEO for Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Special Operations Forces (PEO ISR & SOF)
  • PEO Tankers
  • PEO Battle Management
  • PEO Agile Combat Support
  • PEO Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence and Networks (PEO C3I&N)
  • PEO Combat & Mission Support
  • PEO Rapid Capabilities
  • PEO Strategic Systems
  • PEO Nuclear Command, Control and Communications (PEO NC3)
  • PEO Presidential Airlift Recapitalization
  • PEO Space Systems


  • PEO Ammunition (PEO Ammo)
  • PEO Aviation
  • PEO Command, Control, Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T)
  • PEO Combat Support and Combat Service Support (PEO CS&CSS)
  • PEO Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS)
  • PEO Ground Combat Systems (PEO GCS)
  • PEO for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare & Sensors (PEO IEW&S)
  • PEO Missiles and Space (PEO MS)
  • PEO Soldier
  • PEO Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI)
  • PEO Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives (PEO ACWA)


  • PEO Land Systems (PEO LS)
  • PEO Digital and Enterprise Services (PEO Digital)
  • PEO Manpower, Logistics and Business Solutions (PEO MLB)


  • PEO Tactical Aircraft Programs [PEO (T)]
  • PEO Air Anti-Submarine Warfare, Assault & Special Mission [PEO (A)]
  • PEO Unmanned Aviation & Strike Weapons [PEO (U&W)]
  • PEO Aviation Common Systems and Commercial Services [PEO (CS)]
  • PEO F-35 Lightning II (PEO F-35)
  • PEO Ships
  • PEO Unmanned and Small Combatants (PEO USC)
  • PEO Submarines
  • PEO Aircraft Carriers (PEO Carriers)
  • PEO Columbia
  • PEO Integrated Warfare Systems (PEO IWS)
  • PEO Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (PEO C4I)
  • PEO Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS)
  • PEO Space Systems


  • JPEO F-35 (Joint Strike Fighter)
  • JPEO for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND)

Updated by Kristin Stiner, May 2024