Brigadier General David C. Walsh, Commander, Marine Corps Systems Command [1]

Located at the Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia, Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) is the acquisition command of the Marine Corps. MCSC serves as the head of contracting authority and exercising technical authority for all Marine Corps ground weapon and information technology programs. MCSC oversees 450 acquisition programs aligned as weapon and/or information technology systems to the related Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) element including such areas as the Command Element Systems, Ground Combat Element Systems, Logistics Element Systems, and Supporting Establishment Systems. Programs within the MAGTF portfolios focus on the development and production of systems for a variety of areas including command, control, communications and intelligence (C3I); infantry equipment and weapons, tanks, fire support, and infantry squad integration; supply, maintenance, ammunition, engineering and medical; information technology; light armored vehicles; and training platforms.

MCSC is a Naval Systems Command as well as a Headquarters Marine Corps organization that reports to the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) for operating forces support and logistics sustainment responsibilities. For research, development and acquisition matters, MCSC reports directly to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (ASN) for Research, Development and Acquisition (RDA). The MCSC commander has oversight responsibility and authority for core acquisition processes, including cost estimating; technology development and technical readiness assessment; systems engineering; test and evaluation; maintenance and modernization planning; configuration management; comptroller and legal support. Other responsibilities include incorporating advanced technology and lessons learned into the design, maintenance, modernization and acquisition specifications that apply to weapons and IT systems; in-service support; providing support services to PEOs; executing safety programs in accordance with the Marine Corps Safety Program; and serving as the operational safety and assurance certification authority for the ground weapon and IT system program portfolio. [2]


Source: Marine Corps Systems Command [2]

Updated by Kristin Stiner, June 2024