Lieutenant General Bradford J. Gering, Deputy Commandant for Aviation[1]

The Deputy Commandant for Aviation’s (DCA) mission is to assist and advise the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) on all issues pertaining to aviation.[2]

Marine Aviation leverages science and technology (S&T) to identify, influence, and rapidly insert capabilities into new and legacy airborne systems by upgrading or replacing current systems at reduced costs. Marine aviation S&T focus areas that require continuous investments are electronic warfare (EW), cyber operations, command and control (C2), communication and networks, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), weapons, and rotorcraft and fixed wing technologies.

Programming, budgeting, and resources for Marine aviation programs is facilitated by the Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC) and Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Air Warfare. The Office of Naval Research (ONR), Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAE) and MCDDC advocate for S&T funding and solutions for Marine Corps Aviation S&T programs.[3]

The 2022 Marine Corps Aviation Plan is available here.

A DCA Organization Chart (2021) is available here.


Updated by Kristin Stiner, June 2024